The Freshman Fishwrap / IHTFP Hack Gallery
6.001, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, is the introductory course in computer programming taught for course 6 (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) students.

The MIT bulletin entry for the 1994-95 year describes the course:

6.001 Structure and Interpretation of
Computer Programs
Prereq.: --
U (1, 2)
5-3-7  REST
Control of complexity in large programming systems. 1) 
Building abstractions: computational processes; higher-order procedures; 
compound data; data abstractions. 2) Controlling interactions: generic 
operations; self-describing data; message passing; streams and infinite 
data structures. 3) Meta-linguistic abstraction: interpretation of 
programming languages; machine model; compilation; embedded languages. 
Substantial weekly programming assignments are an integral part of 
the course. Enrollment may be limited. 4 Engineering Design Points.
H. Abelson, G. J. Sussman

For the most up to date description, try the 6.001 entry in the on-line course catalog.

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