Copyright Notice

All of the material presented in the IHTFP Hack Gallery appears with the permission of the copyright holder. None of the material in the IHTFP Hack Gallery may be copied or used for any purpose without permission of the copyright holder. Copyrights on all materials, including but not limited to text, images, and artwork, are held by the IHTFP Hack Gallery (Copyright © 1994-2007), by the person who created them, and/or by the MIT Museum.

If you wish to copy or use material for which the author or contributor is listed, contact that person directly. If you wish to copy or use material for which the author or contributor is not listed, contact the IHTFP Hack Gallery ( and we will forward your request.

For some general information about copyright law and what constitutes copyright infringement, refer to the Copyright Basics page (which is part of the U.S. Copyright Office web site), Brad Templeton's 10 Big Myths about copyright explained, or Terry Carroll's Copyright FAQ. If, however, you have specific or detailed questions about copyright law, you'll need to consult a copyright lawyer.